
You will need a Rackspace Cloud Files account. You can get one here.

store_with CloudFiles do |cf|
  cf.api_key            = 'my_api_key'
  cf.username           = 'my_username'
  cf.container          = 'my_container'
  cf.segments_container = 'my_segments_container' # must be different than `container`
  cf.segment_size       = 5 # MiB
  cf.path               = 'path/to/backups' # path within the container

Endpoints and Regions

By default, the US endpoint will be used. If you need to use another endpoint, specify the auth_url:

store_with CloudFiles do |cf|
  cf.auth_url = ''

The default region is :dfw (Dallas). You may specify another region using:

store_with CloudFiles do |cf|
  cf.region = :ord # Chicago

If Backup is running on a Rackspace Cloud Server in the same data center as your Cloud Files server, you can enable the use of Rackspace’s ServiceNet to avoid bandwidth charges by setting:

store_with CloudFiles do |cf|
  cf.servicenet = true

Static Large Object Support

When backup package files are stored, each file that is larger than segment_size will be created as a Static Large Object (SLO). Segments of segment_size are uploaded into your segments_container, then a SLO Manifest object is uploaded into your container which references all of it’s associated segments. To retrieve your backup, you only have to download the files within your container. The segments are automatically streamed to you by the server when you download the SLO Manifest object.

A SLO may have a maximum of 1,000 segments. If you use 5 MiB as your segment_size, then the maximum size of this object would be close to 5 GiB (1024^2 x 5 x 1000 = 5,242,880,000 bytes). If your final backup package is larger than this, Backup will automatically adjust your segment_size to fit the object within the 1,000 segment limit and log a warning.

To control the segment_size while allowing for larger backups, you should use the Splitter to split your final backup package into files based on your segment_size. If your segment_size is 5 MiB, then you would configure the Splitter with split_into_chunks_of 5000 (segment_size x 1,000).

Each segment is uploaded using chunked transfer encoding with a 1 MiB buffer, so segment_size will not affect memory usage. However, segment_size is the amount of data that will be re-transmitted should an error occur. Therefore, it’s best to keep the segment_size low.

Cycling Backups

Backup’s Cycler may be used to keep a specified number of backups in storage. After each backup is performed, it will remove older backup package files based on the keep setting.

You may alternately use the days_to_keep setting to schedule your backup to removed after the specified number of days by the Rackspace Cloud Files server.

store_with CloudFiles do |cf|
  cf.days_to_keep = 90

If you are transitioning from using keep to days_to_keep, you should leave your keep setting configured until all previous backups that were stored using keep are removed by the Cycler. As long as keep is configured, all backups performed while days_to_keep is also configured will be tracked by the Cycler. These backups will count towards the number of backups stored so the Cycler knows when to remove those stored prior to using days_to_keep. The Cycler will not attempt to remove any backup that was stored with days_to_keep set.

Error Handling

Each request involved in transmitting your package files will be retried if an error occurs. By default, each failed request will be retried 10 times, pausing 30 seconds before each retry. These defaults may be changed using:

store_with CloudFiles do |cf|
  cf.max_retries = 10
  cf.retry_waitsec = 30

When an error occurs that causes Backup to retry the request, the error will be logged. Note that these messages will be logged as informational messages, so they will not generate warnings.

If the request being retried was a failed request to upload a SLO segment, only that segment_size of the package file being uploaded will be re-transmitted.

Data Integrity

All data is uploaded along with a MD5 checksum which Cloud Files uses to verify the data received. If the data uploaded fails this integrity check, the error will be handled as stated above and the data will be retransmitted.

Fog Options

If you need to pass additional options for fog, you can specify those using fog_options.

store_with CloudFiles do |cf|
  cf.fog_options = {
    :persistent => true,
    :connection_options => { :nonblock => false } # these are Excon options

These options will be merged into those used to establish the connection via fog.
e.g.{ :provider => 'Rackspace'}.merge(fog_options))