
notify_by HttpPost do |post|
  post.on_success = true
  post.on_warning = true
  post.on_failure = true

  # URI to post the notification to.
  # Port may be specified if needed.
  # If Basic Authentication is required, supply user:pass.
  post.uri = ''

  # Optional
  # Additional headers to send.
  # post.headers = { 'Authentication' => 'my_auth_info' }
  # Additional form params to post.
  # post.params = { 'auth_token' => 'my_token' }
  # Successful response codes. Default: 200
  # post.success_codes = [200, 201, 204]
  # Defaults to true on most systems.
  # Force with +true+, disable with +false+
  # post.ssl_verify_peer = false
  # Supplied by default. Override with a custom 'cacert.pem' file.
  # post.ssl_ca_file = '/my/cacert.pem'

The HttpPost Notifier allows you to POST the result status of your backup to the URI of your choosing.

By default, the notifier will post the following parameters:

Notifiers are retried if failures occur, and therefore success_codes should be set to the return codes that would be acceptable for your POST. By default, only a return code of 200 will be considered successful. Any other return code would cause Backup to retry sending the notification.