
Backup includes the following Notifiers:

Notifier Failures

By default, all notifiers are configured to retry failed attempts 10 times, pausing 30 seconds between each retry. These defaults may be adjusted using max_retries and retry_waitsec.

notify_by Mail do |mail|
  mail.max_retries = 5
  mail.retry_waitsec = 60

# Or as defaults:
Notifier::Mail.defaults do |mail|
  mail.max_retries = 5
  mail.retry_waitsec = 60

All retry attempts will be logged. If a notifier exceeds max_retries, the failure will be logged. Notifier failures will not cause your backup job to fail, or change the exit status of backup perform.

It’s recommended that you setup at least one notifier to send on_success notifications. If you only setup on_failure notifications, your backup and notifier could fail due to some network issue and you would never know it.