Run custom commands to send notifications after executing a backup.
notify_by Command do |cmd|
cmd.on_success = true
cmd.on_warning = true
cmd.on_failure = true
# Command to execute
cmd.command = 'notify-send'
# Arguments to pass to the command.
# Must be an array of strings or callable objects.
# Callables will be invoked with #call(model, status),
# and the return value used as the argument.
# In strings you can use the following placeholders:
# %l - Model label
# %t - Model trigger
# %s - Status (success/failure/warning)
# %v - Status verb (succeeded/failed/succeeded with warnings)
# All placeholders can be used with uppercase letters to capitalize
# the value.
# Defaults to ["%L %v"]
# cmd.args = ["Backup %L", "%V"]